Zandvlei Inventory and Monitoring Programme

The formal launch was on the 28 November 2001 at the Imperial Yacht Club, Lakeside.

  • Any enthusiastic residents and school children with an interest in the environment, are welcome to join us in the development of this monitoring programme.

  • You need not be scientifically trained at all. Enthusiasm and interest are the only requirements.
  • It will be educational and fun and even if you know nothing about the environment now, we promise that in just a few months you will become a knowledgable in the field.
  • It is especially suited for children and school groups who will be able to establish basic monitoring stations in their areas of interest and perhaps participate in annual or biannual census exercises.

Below is the current list of people participating.

We need more volunteers to gather information.



Robin and Patricia Burnett Litter, flora, rehabilitation.
John and Sandra Fowkes Water quality, rainfall, birds, rehabilitation
Timm Hoffman Rainfall
Gavin Lawson Data, rehabilitation, insects, photograghy, birds
Lucia Rodrigues Rainfall
Gerrard Wigram Rainfall
Ian and Sharon McCallum Water quality, education
Peter Joubert Litter, water quality
Susan Wishart Rehabilitation, amphibian monitoring
Bert Bron Rainfall, rehabilitation
Yvonne Bulgen Water quality
Peter Kruger Water quality
Denham Craig Rainfall
Martin Gee Rainfall
Barry Parker Rehabilitation, birds.
Dugan Harris Rehabilitation.
Gordon Laing Education.

If you would like more information please contact;

Gavin Lawson       021  705 5224


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