ZIMP Rainfall data
Do you measure rainfall data in the general Zandvlei area, please let us have your records. Contact Gavin Lawson for more info and questions you may have about setting up a rain gauge at home.
The averaged annual total rainfall at the measured sites, for the displayed months = 56.5 mm General Notes.
Mountain side (west)
of the main body of the vlei. From May 1999 to July 2002 this was at
2. Marina da
Gama side (north east) of the main body of the vlei. These data
have been collected by
3. Marina da Gama side
(north east) of the main body of the vlei. These data have been
collected by Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 4. Marina da Gama side
(north east) of the main body of the vlei. These data have been
collected by Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 5. Mountain side (west) of the main body of the vlei. These data have been
collected by Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 6. Mountain side
(south west)
of the main body of the vlei. These data have been
collected by Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 7. Mountain side (west) of the main body of the vlei. These data have been collected byYvonne Bulgen at Promenade Road, Zandvlei since July 2015. April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 8. Marina da Gama side (east) of the main body of the vlei. These data have been collected byMartin Gee, Spearhead Quay, Marina da Gama since Sept 2015. April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec End of Aug 2016 - This is the combined rainfall measured at the sites.
201 5.End of December 2015 - This is the
combined rainfall of all the measured sites, End of December 2015 - This is the combined rainfall measured at the sites.
End of December 2014 - This is the
combined rainfall of all the measured sites, End of December 2014 - This is the combined rainfall measured at the sites. 201 3.
End of December 2013 - This is the
combined rainfall of all the measured sites,
End of December 2013 - This is the combined rainfall measured at the sites. 201 2.
End of December 2012 - This is the
combined rainfall of all the measured sites, End of December 2012 - This is the combined rainfall measured at the sites. 201 1.
End of December 2011 - This is the
combined rainfall of all the measured sites,
End of December 2011 - This is the combined rainfall measured at the sites. 201 0.
End of December 2010 - This is the
combined rainfall of all the measured sites,
End of December 2010 - This is the combined rainfall measured at the sites. 20 09.
End of December 2009 - This is the
combined rainfall of all the measured sites,
End of December 2009 - This is the combined rainfall measured at the sites. 20 08.
End of December 2008 - This is the
combined rainfall of all the measured sites, with the
End of December 2008 - This is the
combined rainfall of all the measured sites, with the 20 07.
End of December 2007 - Annual accumulated total rainfall from the measured sites = 870.3mm.
End of December 2007 - This is the
combined rainfall of all the measured sites, with the 20 06.
End of December 2006 - This is the
combined rainfall of all the measured sites, with the 20 05.
End of December 2005 - This is the
combined rainfall of all the measured sites, with the
This graph illustrates the averaged west and east of the Zandvlei rainfall readings, established by Timm Hoffman and Peter Gray over this time scale. This is one of the challenging pieces of information, from the "5 year report back" presentation by Timm Hoffman at the Zandvlei Trust - Spring Festival in Sept 2005. Historical Rainfall Data
General rainfall measured from 1841 at
Observatory in Cape Town. This graph indicates recent droughts in
the 1990's and severe one in the 1930's during the Great Depression. The
graph is from SA Weather Service, and an article in the City of Cape Towns |