Zandvlei Trust

Task Teams.


1. ZVT / CTEET Environmental Education Project.

   A working partnership with the The Zandvlei Trust and CTEET funded by the LOTTO.

Three differnet groups of children were transported to the Masque Theatre in Muizenberg to see 
the play by the Jungle Theatre Company.

The cast in the play of River of Life a Jungle Theatre Company production.

Some of the children at the Masque Theatre, Muizenberg in the March school holidays.

          Note - the project will be updated as the information becomes available.

2. Environmental Education.

       A working partnership with the City of Cape Town and The Zandvlei Trust.


April 2014.

photograph by Mark Arendse.

ZVT sponsored the transport costs for these children from Village Heights Community Centre to visit the Zandvlei Nature Reserve for a lesson and outing on environmental education.


photograph by Sharon McCallum.

Steenberg Primary School children receiving ZVT Tshirts donated 
by Julie Dunkerley in August 2013.

photograph by Sharon McCallum.

Steenberg Primary School children receiving ZVT Tshirts donated by Julie Dunkerley in September 2013. Mark Arendse and Glenda Samuels (teacher) in the back row.


Steenberg Primary School EE Club with sponsored T shirts.

Capricorn Library holiday hiking club outing. (part sponsored by ZVT)

See the poems written by Glenda Samuels class for Princessvlei.

Thank you from Steenberg Primary School.    (sponsored by ZVT)

Village Heights visit the False Bay Ecology Park.   (sponsored by ZVT)

Thank you email from Blossom Street Primary School  (sponsored by ZVT)

Thank you email from Levarna Primary School  (sponsored by ZVT)

Steenberg Primary School (transport sponsored by ZVT).

Levana Primary School  (transport sponsored by Zandvlei Trust) to enable them to get to the Zandvlei Nature Reserve EEC for after school lessons.

Capricorn Library holiday hiking club outing.

Thank you email from Levarna Primary School ( sponsored by ZVT).

Thank you cards from Zerilda Primary School (sponsored by ZVT).

Capricorn Library boys and girls visit Muizenberg mountain. (sponsored by ZVT and the City).

See the thank you note from Glenda Samuels.

See the outing in October 2010 and the thank you letters.

photograph by Sharon  McCallum.                                          photograph by Sharon  McCallum.

Zerilda Primary School outing to to Zandvlei Nature Reserve and to St James beach with Zandvlei Trust sponsoring the transport and the service of Neville Williams.

See some of the fun they had on their visits.

Their aim is to educate and encourage local school children to become interested in the Zandvlei environment.
This is an important and rewarding project for anyone with experience working with children, and who would like to contribute in any way, may contact Sharon McCallum.

 We please need more volunteers.

Sharon McCallum  021 788 8592.

1a. See what they did at the Nature Circles outings.

1b. A Zandvlei catchment poster  by Carol Howes   Download, print and colour in.

1c. Donations to the EEC.

3. ZIMP  (Zandvlei  Inventory and Monitoring Programme).

Flowering beauties.

At an Exectutive Committee Meeting, Timm Hoffman proposed the establishment of the Zandvlei Inventory and Monitoring Programme as a task team.
As you can see from the agenda there are numerous catagories needing input from local residents or interested people.

You have chosen to live in this area, so please join in and contribute by participating.

4. Newsletter.

Feb 2016.

The new colour layout by Katerina Sonntagova / sustainability-focused design.

See the Newsletter in pdf.

The Editor oversees the general planning of the deadlines for each of the issues of the  Newsletter. This comprises setting the themes, the sourcing and collection of the articles and pictures for the deadline. The Editor interfaces with the DTP, repo and printer. Sources the sponsorship, advertising and funding for the newsletter production as well.
The Exco reviews, proof reads and then sees to the distribution of the Newsletters, to all the members, advertisers, schools, libraries, businesses, municipal offices and other officials, also environmental bodies and interested parties.

5. Rehabilitation  -  invasive vegetation clearing.

          We need more volunteers for this team.

           A working partnership with the City of Cape Town and The Zandvlei Trust.

Katrien and Brigitte working in the Old Boyes Drive section of the Reserve.

This group of regular volunteer members remove exotic invasive vegetation eg. Port Jackson, Rooikrans, Black Wattle, Longleaf Acacia, Manitoka, Brazilian Pepper seedlings, saplings and trees, from the Greater Zandvlei Estuary Nature Reserve areas.
The dedicated few have done so for the past 25 years and more, every month on a Saturday afternoon.

You are welcome to come and help, we only require 2 hours of your time and effort, once a month.

Gavin Lawson   021 705 5224.

Read more about what we do.    updated 14/08/2016.


6. Westlake Wetlands Walkway Garden.

A working partnership with the City of Cape Town, local business and Zandvlei Trust.

New  Zandvlei Estuary Reserve sign erected in July 2012.

Peter Kruger  021 788 4578.

Read more about the garden.

7. BOSSIES - (Biodiversity On Suburban Sidewalks [for] Indigenous Ecosystem Sanctuaries).

    A working partnership with the City of Cape Town and The Zandvlei Trust.

       We urge all communities to adopt this concept and introduce it in your area.

photograph by Neil Major

A planted node in the centre island of Prince George Drive.


See some updates of Box and Ermington Roads.

Read about the Phase 2 - 2012 Prince George Project 

Read about the Phase 1 - 2010 - 2011 Prince George Drive project

Read about the 2010 Muizenberg project

Read about the WESSA project

Read about this exciting project


The Cape Flats Fynbos Nursery.

Sales outlet is at Rondevlei Nature  Reserve - No 1 Fishermans Walk cor Perth Road, Grassy Park.

Contact Neil on 076 473 7095 for all your Strandveld and Sand Plain Fynbos plant requirements.

8. Westlake Wetlands (Rutter Road).

      A working partnership with the City of Cape Town and The Zandvlei Trust.

photograph by John Fowkes

The reused and recycled plastic bottles made into a boom to hold back the hyacinth out of the main water bodies.

John Fowkes  021 788 2902

They review, research and report on the conditions and problems encountered with the Wetlands.This volunteer group of residents, monitor and liase with the local authority on the condition of the Rutter Road Pond. They clear exotic plants and repair and maintain the booms / traps across the open water bodies at the confluence of the Keysers and Westlake Rivers before entering the main Zandvlei water body.

Celebrating the Westlake Wetlands March 2016.

Celebrating World Wetlands Day Feb 2016.

A work party in Nov 2009.

A work party in July 2009.

A work party in 2005.

A work party in 2002.

Background and some history from 2002.

9. EIA's (Environmental Impact Assessments) and local Development Forums.


Current EIA's

Gavin Lawson.

They monitor and assess developments, attend meetings and review and write reports.

Development and Environmental Forums

Sharon McCallum, Gavin Lawson, John Fowkes.

They attend numerous meetings and report back to the Exco some of which are;

Sand River Catchment Forum Zandvlei Estuary Management Forum, False Bay Ecology Park Steering Committee, Western Cape Wetland Forum and others.

10. Paper and Glass Recycling.

Eastlake Shopping Centre, Marina da Gama.     new 25/08/2016.

photograph by Peter Kruger.

Please support ZVT by placing paper only in the igloo located at Eastlake, Marina da Gama.


Lakeside Shopping Centre, Main Road, Lakeside.

                         The igloos with the new labels in June 2013.

The official opening ceronomy in 2001, with the Rotary Claremont representatives,
Geoff Bailey and his youngest son, Una Hartley, Clifford Dorse and Gavin Lawson.

Peter Kruger  021 788 4578.

Manages the Zandvlei Trust paper and glass recycling igloos on the Main Road, Lakeside (opposite the Lakeside Shopping Centre). The income derived from these "igloos" helps pay for this website hosting and the garden on the opposite side of Main Road which is part of the Zandvlei Nature Reserve.

Please support the recycling industry.

11. Membership Database.

Ken Williams.

The database has grown since it was started in 2001. It is a very important activity to make sure our members and interested parties receive our Newsletters and other correspondence. It is our way to network and communicate with City officals and other environmental groups and NGO's.  It is a dedicated task that requires attention to detail, communication with the Exco and regular cross checking and updating.

12. Auditor.   If you have any requirement for the services below, contact;

Ian MacKay he is a Chartered Account and offers the following services;

  • Auditing
  • Client accounting
  • Income tax returns
  • Personal financial and tax planning
  • Monthly bookkeeping
  • Valuations
  • Due diligence reviews
  • Business plans
  • Capital gains tax

Ian MacKay and Associates,
P.O.Box 31396,
Tokai, 7966
tel      021  674 7159
fax     021  671 7575

13. Web Page.

Gavin Lawson.

He researches, writes articles, takes photographs, compiles articles produces and publishes the web page. The web page was started in May 2001.

To contribute, or comment with any suggestions on the web page,
contact Gavin Lawson.


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