Previous chair of the Trust, David Muller, spearheaded the move to create art-installation litterbins at the litter hot spot of Thesen’s Bridge across The Narrows near the estuary mouth. They were supposed to be otters, but turned out the artist-welder Innocent Kasanhayi had no idea what an otter looked like. When a little girl walking with her parent commented, “look Daddy, a monster”, thus was the term “litter monsters” coined for the two bins at either end of the bridge.

While they have resulted in a marked improvement of the litter situation there, street pickers and others continue to damage them so they had to be heavily re-inforced. That done, Innocent is now working on the “litter fish” we plan to install at that litter jamboree hot-spot, also known as the Lakeside picnic area. That done, we are thinking of a litter campaign for the entire vlei area. The theft of signs is, however, a concern: you might have noticed the reserve’s information boards (which were long in the making) – got up one night and walked some time ago. 

So far the best slogan we have come up with is “each one pick some” with icon images of walkers, joggers, dog walkers etc each carrying a litter bag. If you have a better slogan we’re sure we can find a prize for you.